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Columbia International College 2023 enrollment data released the total amount of scholarships created 45 years of the school

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Canadian Columbia International College (CIC) 2023 college admission results are in,本屆畢業生再創升學奇跡,獲大學入學獎學金總額高達1318萬加元,創造CIC建校45年之最,在校史上撰寫光芒奪目的一筆! 自疫情以來,安省大學熱門專業申請難度明顯提升,分數線節節攀升,考核更加嚴格:面對這樣的挑戰,The admission indicators of CIC graduates remain among the best in Canada,關鍵KPI遠遠超過其他任何一所中學,成果令人矚目。 2023 Big data proof: CIC is the best channel to promote Canada and the world's first-class universities。 Below we announce some of the admission of this year's graduates to top 10 universities in Canada and popular majors in the world's top universities,與大家共享畢業生的輝煌成績! 1 獲加拿大十強大學錄取統計 大學 CIC2023錄取人數 多倫多大學(全球排名 #18) 162 英屬哥倫比亞大學(全球排名 #40) 5 麥吉爾大學(全球排名 #46) 5 麥克馬斯特大學(全球排名 #85) 98 滑鐵盧大學(全球影響力 #55) 60 皇後大學(全球影響力 #3) 42 阿爾伯塔大學 17 韋仕敦大學 124 卡爾加裏大學 2 2 名校商科錄取統計 大學(專業) CIC2023錄取人數 倫敦大學學院(經濟學) 1 愛丁堡大學(商業與市場營銷) 1 多倫多大學,羅特曼商學院(商科) 19 約克大學,Schulich School of Business (Business Management) 5 Western University,Ivey Business School (Business) 1 University of British Columbia,Suntech Business School (Business) 1 University of Waterloo (Accounting and Financial Management) 6 University of Waterloo (Chartered Accountant) 2 University of Waterloo (Financial Analysis and Risk Management) 7 University of Waterloo (Biotechnology and Chartered Accounting) 1 University of Waterloo (Mathematics and Business Management) 2 University of Toronto at Garburgh (Management),Paid Internship) 6 University of Toronto (Management,非帶薪實習)…

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The graduation data of CIC graduates in 2020: The number of students admitted by top universities and the total amount of scholarships are expected to remain the first in Canada

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Canadian Columbia International College (CIC) has announced the admission statistics for the Class of 2020。 畢業生們以驚人的勇氣戰勝挑戰,再創輝煌!   我校2020屆畢業生      獲加拿大及全球一流大學錄取人數有望蟬聯加拿大第一。    The total amount of university entrance scholarships reached $9.5 million CAD, setting a record in the 41 years since the establishment of the school, and is expected to continue to be the first in Canada。    With real data, CIC is the best way to advance to the top universities in Canada and the world。 Below is a breakdown of the acceptance of CIC graduates from Canadian and global universities in 2020。We will release the university admission statistics of graduates from various provinces and cities in China in the near future, please subscribe to follow。   * 同一畢業生若收到同一所大學多個校區或多個專業錄取,只計算一次; * 大學錄取信息來自大學申請輔導部(UPO),在最大程度上保證準確性;若畢業生未將錄取情況及時通知學校,可能會出現遺漏,敬請原諒。 2020屆畢業生獲加拿大10強大學錄取人數   #1 多倫多大學 331 人#2 麥吉爾大學 6 人#3 不列顛哥倫比亞大學 31 人#5 阿爾伯塔大學 18 人#6 麥克馬斯特大學 221 人#7 滑鐵盧大學 118 人#8 韋士敦大學 156 人#9 皇後大學 84 人#9 卡爾加裏大學 2 人 * 根據QS2021世界大學排名* 蒙特利爾大學位居第4,屬法語大學,No one in our school has completed the admission statistics of 2020 graduates from the world's top universities Imperial College London 1, University College London 3, University of Edinburgh 11...

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CIC students are not affected by the Canadian visa quota, and their chances of admission to prestigious universities are further improved

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各位學生與家長: 2024年1月22日,加拿大移民部長馬克·米勒宣布聯邦政府將在未來兩年實施學簽配額。 International students applying to a first-year undergraduate/diploma program at a university or community college in Canada will be subject to a visa quota。2024年,全國學簽發放數量上限為36萬個,將比2023年減少35%; 對於從海外直接申請加拿大大學或社區學院的國際學生,安省將減少發放約50%的學簽; 學簽配額政策不會影響申請碩士和博士學位以及小學和中學教育的學生; 學簽配額政策也不影響學簽續簽; 學簽申請人都必須提供省政府簽發的證明信(attestation letter); 學簽配額不影響哥倫比亞國際學院學生 哥倫比亞國際學院(CIC)的學生若繼續在加拿大大學或社區學院學習,僅需遵循常規流程,在加拿大境內辦理學簽續簽即可,不受學簽限額政策的影響。 This is because the policy only affects international students who have completed high school and are applying to a Canadian university or community college from outside Canada。 不僅如此,在申請加拿大大學或社區學院時,CIC graduates have the following advantages over international students from outside Canada: CIC graduates seamlessly enroll and enroll in Canadian universities or community colleges from overseas high school students who have graduated from their home country,僅需滿足兩個條件:  達到其錄取標準。  After receiving an offer of admission, to apply for a renewal of study, seamless admission and admission to a Canadian university or community college, you must meet three conditions: meet its admission criteria。  獲取省政府簽發的證明信。  獲得學簽。If the university or community college you are applying to has used up its visa quota, you will not be able to obtain a visa。 參考資料 加拿大移民部長於 2024 年 1 月 22 日發布公告 聯邦政府宣布學生簽證的兩年限額 CIC畢業生申請加拿大排名世界排名前 50 的大學,Chances of success are higher than ever 1) Visa renewal process is simple, not subject to visa quotas, no provincially-issued letter of identification is required Our Admissions and International Liaison Department will assist students with visa renewal applications 2) Seamless transition from CIC to University CIC graduates applying to universities or community colleges in Canada,不受學簽配額限制,僅需辦理學簽續簽。There is no risk of not being able to apply for a study visa because the study visa quota is full。 3) Applications by CIC students to universities or community colleges in Canada will be considered as domestic students. Since CIC students are not subject to visa quotas, Canadian universities will consider applications from CIC students in the same way as applications from domestic students。In contrast, international students applying from overseas run the risk of not being accepted because their visa quota has been filled。 4) University Alliance Institutions offer CIC students a wide range of admissions advantages CIC works closely with many of Canada's top universities。We have established university alliances with many universities, which are second to none in Canada。Our alliance universities include: University of Toronto, University of Waterloo, McMaster University, Western University, York University, University of Ottawa, Ontario Polytechnic University, etc。聯盟大學為CIC畢業生特設錄取優勢,包括: 雅思/托福豁免  錄取保障  特設獎學金  各大學提供不同的錄取優勢  5) 多年以來,100% of CIC graduates successfully gain admission to universities and community colleges year after year,All of our graduates have successfully advanced to universities and community colleges around the world。 In 2023, our graduates will receive more than $13 million in university entrance scholarships。 To sum up, the Canadian government's visa quota policy will not have any impact on CIC students, and parents need not worry about it。 CIC can help you realize your dream after the Canadian government implements the study-visa quota policy,要升入世界排名前50的加拿大大學,CIC比以往更是現夢想的最佳途徑! 先入讀CIC,Re-entry to a Canadian university or community college International students apply directly from overseas to a Canadian university or community college for post-secondary admissions advantages.

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December 2023 CIC graduates gorgeous transformation, ushered in a highlight moment!

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On the afternoon of December 14, Columbia International College (CIC), the largest residential secondary school in Canada, held its third graduation ceremony in 2023。 Graduates make a successful end to their high school years, transforming into a new life journey。 We would like to thank our educational colleagues and parents for their support of CIC's Holistic Care Education Program over the past 45 years,並祝福畢業生們以積極樂觀的心態面對未來,讓青春大戲永不落幕! 畢業生們 不僅在學業上取得了優異成績,也積極參與志工活動,累計社區服務時數超過2,800小時! 從11月中旬開始,2024年首批大學錄取通知書抵達CIC,Including New York University, the University of Melbourne, the University of Alberta, the University of Ottawa, Western University, Brock University, the University of Windsor, York University, Laurier University, Toronto Metropolitan University, Carleton University, Trent University, Concordia University, etc。 經過半年的學習與豐富課外體驗,一群交換學生順利完成CIC學分課程,領取結業證書。 他們即將離開加拿大,回國繼續完成高中學業。 祝他們旅途順利! 許多家庭不遠萬裡、漂洋過海來到CIC,親眼見證兒女的「成年儀式」。 他們為孩子成功感到驕傲,喜悅之情溢於言表! 畢業演講鼓舞人心 校長Diana Reid歡迎八方來賓參加畢業典禮。 She encouraged everyone with a quote from American abolitionist Harriet Tubman: "Every great dream was started by a dreamer.。She pointed out that everyone has the passion and power within themselves to change the world。 Candy Hui, senior associate Registrar of Admissions at McMaster University, delivered an impassioned keynote address。 她回憶了自己年幼跟隨家庭移民加拿大的經歷。 She said: Although the parents did not read much books, even can not speak English, but positive, hard work, bring up four children, so that they receive a good education。 She encouraged the graduates present: do not live up to their parents' ardent expectations and great efforts;Be grateful, move forward, and reach your goals in life。 Melissa Bozovali entered CIC Junior Middle School in 2019 as a Grade 7 student。 她總是充滿活力,並積極參與校園生活。 During her 5 years at CIC, Melissa not only achieved excellent academic performance, but also became an active participant in extracurricular activities。 She has joined several leadership teams, including the Athletic Committee and the residence Hall Leadership team。 She initiated the CIC campus volleyball competition initiative and served as co-captain。 She is also active in Model United Nations, School basketball, the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, and serves as Vice President of the school's DECA Business Competition team。 5年後,她有幸能以畢業生代表身分進行演講。 Melissa said that she benefited greatly from experiential learning, expanding her circle of friends, constantly challenging her comfort zone, and fully enjoying her time at CIC。 She encouraged everyone to stay motivated and achieve even better results in the future。 Awa Minteh arrived in Colombia in October 2022。 Throughout her time at CIC, she has demonstrated a determined effort in everything she does。 Although she was naturally quiet, Awa showed great kindness and sincerity, earning over 80 hours of community service in just one year。 Awa今天代表畢業生獻上感謝詞。 Awa spends most of her time on the SOCS (Campus Volunteer Service) team。 她相信,回饋學校與周圍社區非常重要。 She thanked CIC for taking care of all departments of the education team: the President and Dean's Office, teachers, after-school counselors, Admissions and International Department, residence Hall, Student Leadership Development, Academic Guidance and college Application Guidance Department, Security, health care, IT, catering, Cleaning, and consistent care and support。 CIC founder Clement Chan used himself as an example in his speech,呈現了留學生在加拿大成功的完美案例! 他回顧自己1972年拎著皮箱走出多倫多機場,搭巴士到親戚家安頓下來的時刻;大學畢業後,他於1979年創辦CIC,迎來首批學生;45年後的今天,CIC堅持施行全面 照顧教育計劃,幫助更多無數的留學生實現夢想,讓家長安心放心。 He inspired graduates to embrace global technological changes such as artificial intelligence, forge ahead, and meet future challenges with optimism。 獎項與獎學金 畢業生從校領導手中接過頒發畢業證書,迎來中學時代的高光時刻! 銀幕上展示每位畢業生的大幅畢業照、大學入學及獎學金等統計結果。 Grade 12 graduates with a grade point average of 80% or above receive the title of Ontario Scholar。 在課外等表現優異的畢業生榮獲CIC獎學金。 校長獎學金(大學方向)1,$500: President Qin Sihan Scholarship (Community College direction) 1,Cad 500: Ho Chun Cheng Clement Chan Founder Merit Scholarship 1,Cad 500: Abdoullah Asaadpour...

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A twin brother and sister who scored 95 percent in 12th grade received early admission to college

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2023年11月中旬開始,2024年首批大學錄取通知書抵達哥倫比亞國際學院(CIC),包括墨爾本大學、阿爾伯塔大學、渥太華大學、韋仕敦大學、布魯克大學、溫莎大學、約克大學、勞里埃大學、多倫多都市大學等。 Chinese twins Qin Sihan (right) and Qin Mohan received offers from Western University (43rd in the QS Graduate Employability Ranking 2023) for Management and Organizational Studies and Social sciences。恭喜恭喜! 這對雙胞胎姊妹的CIC留學之路極為相似 — 他們於2021年1月入讀10年級,不斷自我完善,充滿樂觀與自信,成為品學兼優的尖子生。 除了韋仕敦大學,They also applied to business, management and finance programs at many of the world's top universities,They include Rotman School of Business at the University of Toronto, Schulich School of Business at York University, Ivey College of Western University, McGill University, University College London, King's College London, University of Manchester, University of Edinburgh, Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology。 姐姐秦思涵說:“設定明確的目標非常重要。If I had the chance to do it over again, I would join CIC clubs more actively and have a richer experience。Qin Mohan, the younger brother, said: "I have been constantly trying to improve myself, develop a more positive attitude, make more excellent friends, improve communication skills, and get ready for college life.。Currently, they have an average grade of 95 percent in six subjects in Grade 12。 It is expected that in the coming months, they will welcome more blockbuster offers!

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12月畢業季、寒假及聖誕假期,哥倫比亞國際學院(CIC)準備了海量的課外活動! 除有一批學生將前往舉世聞名的加拉巴哥群島! 1835年,達爾文乘坐「小獵犬號」奇怪太平洋中的加拉巴哥群島。在這部美麗的群島上,他進行了系統性的生物學研究,觀察野生動物,記錄景觀,並收集了豐富的資料的動植物與岩石雕塑,為他後來創作《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》打下了細緻的基礎。這群學生將緊跟著達爾文的足跡,與野生動物親密接觸,見證生物進化的神奇魅力! 以下是我校12月部分活動預告。歡迎大家在REACH應用程式上註冊! 如有任何疑問,請隨時向學生領導發展部(S244)查詢。 ✅ 加拉巴哥群島 加拉巴哥群島 ✅ 加拿大神奇樂園仙境冬季節 加拿大仙境冬季節 ✅ 電影《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》海王與失落的王國 ✅ 電影《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》Wonka ✅ 攀岩重力攀岩館 ✅ 3對3籃球 3對3籃球 ✅ 共享球錦標賽羽球錦標賽 ✅春天烤肉屋 Spring Grill House ✅ 尼加拉奧特萊斯購物 尼加拉直營店系列 ✅ 密室逃脫 下一級密室逃脫 ✅ 聖誕節烘焙 聖誕節烘焙 ✅ 希望聖誕樹(社區服務)希望聖誕樹 ✅ 聖誕老人5公里跑步(社區服務)Santa 5k ✅ 食物募捐(社區服務)鄰居2鄰居

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加拿大即將進入初冬。 No matter, even if the temperature starts to drop, CIC students will still have plenty of opportunities to relax, make friends, play sports, and develop skills and expertise。 以下是十一月活動預覽。 大部分活動都可以在REACH應用程式上註冊,千萬不要錯過! 有任何疑問,歡迎向學生領導力發展部查詢。 尼加拉瀑布 Skylon Tower 畢業晚宴 多倫多暴龍隊 Toronto Raptors 籃球賽 布蘭福德鬥牛犬隊 Brantford Bulldogs 冰上曲棍球賽 CIC 校園足球賽 萬聖節裝扮大賽 電影《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》 Splitsbville 保齡球 Yorkdale 購物中心 Activate互動遊戲 中學生模擬聯合國研討會(麥基爾大學舉行) DECA高中生商業競賽區域會議 愛丁堡公爵探險之旅 Walk for Wellness 健康步行(社區服務) Road 2 Hope 馬拉松(社區服務) Global Health Mission 全球健康使命(社區服務) Christmas in the City 城市聖誕市集(社區服務) Holiday Celebration of the Arts節慶藝術慶典

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Nutrition and health taste beautiful, do not play science and technology hard work, CIC food looks like this!

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Columbia International College (CIC), the largest boarding school in Canada, allows thousands of students and teachers to "eat well" every day, which is known as the most Canadian middle school。Such a huge amount of catering services, how to ensure food safety, nutrition, health, taste, students thrive? Chartwells CIC's "Total Care Education Program" puts the safety and health of students at the top of the list, and excellent food and beverage service is of Paramount importance。CIC has partnered with Chartwells, a world-renowned catering group, to provide students with fresh, delicious, nutritionally balanced meals that provide the best protection for them to thrive。 Chartwells is Canada's largest campus catering group, serving 1.2 million students at more than 60 post-secondary institutions and 500 primary and secondary schools。 CIC campus and dormitory has four restaurants, dining environment is modern and comfortable。為了滿足學生需要,宿舍餐廳全年365天開放; 營養美味,每周26餐(周末早午餐合並為Brunch),平日及夜宵還提供多種點心飲料; 主要採用健康烹飪方式,以炒、烘、烤、蒸為主;食物現場烹飪,不含反式脂肪或味精; 口味多元化,既有混搭菜式,也有東西方各地區代表性美食; 提供豐富的特別美食活動,例如:營養烹飪課、快閃壽司吧、戶外BBQ、美食卡車等; 為有特殊飲食需求(素食、信奉宗教、不耐乳糖)的學生提供特別飲食; 嚴格選用健康食材,現場烹製,保證營養衛生 各類蔬菜、沙拉及醬料,A wide variety of seasonal fresh apples, oranges, bananas, etc.Fruit salad oils such as peaches, strawberries, oranges and pears: Whole grains without trans fats,Including brown rice, barley, oats and other whole grain eggs and low-fat milk: locally produced eggs, milk, yogurt, cheese and other natural sweeteners: sucrose, honey, maple sugar, etc. CIC Food website: Daily meals Snap Breakfast Standard set: bread, waffles, eggs, hash browns, sausage, bacon, porridge, yogurt, dessert, milk, coffee and other drinks。 Chicken burritos, brown rice, grilled chicken legs with various chipotle sauces,土豆泥,白菜,Rice pizza, Onion rings and salad Fish and chips Grilled salmon, kale, brown rice Risotto with salami and fried beef with sweet corn and bell pepper, green beans, beef burger with brown rice, yogurt, salad with lemon cream fish fillet freshly cooked soup,包括奶油蘑菇湯,奶油南瓜湯,牛肉大麥湯,牛肉河粉湯,義大利肉丸湯等。 現沖咖啡 – 卡普奇諾、摩卡、美式、香草巧克力、無咖啡因等等;牛奶、巧克力奶、果汁、綠茶紅茶、果味汽泡水 … … 全部任飲! 各種新鮮沙拉、水果、調味料和醬汁隨便自取,包括下飯神器老干媽! 多樣化食譜和國際風味 Chartwells餐飲團隊篤信:食物滋潤學生的心智、體格及心靈,促其保持身心健康,融入周邊社區及世界。CIC students come from more than 70 countries and regions around the world, and the food tastes blend Eastern and Western food styles, both mixed and pure taste of the world food。 春節佳肴 — 菠蘿咕嚕肉,甜辣雞球,揚州炒飯,炒白菜,春卷,茶葉蛋 … … 非洲特色餐:酸辣烤雞翅,牛肉米飯,黑豆牛肉湯,扁豆辣椒醬,炸紅薯條配花生醬 … … 加勒比海特色餐:椰漿咖喱雞,辣椒燉肉飯,咖喱角,炸香蕉,玉米,紅薯 … … 越南美食:牛肉河粉,春卷,烤豬肉,煎蛋 … … 中亞特色餐:檸檬三文魚,辣醬雞腿,藏紅花米飯,大麥湯,小米,鷹嘴豆,酸奶飲料 ……

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CIC Terry Fox has run for 41 years and raised more than $220,000

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❤️ Columbia International College (CIC) has hosted the Terry Fox Walk/Run every year since 1981 (except during the pandemic), making it one of the six schools in the world with the longest support of the Terry Fox Cancer Fund。 We are proud that over the past 41 years, CIC students have raised more than $220,000 to foster philanthropy and good character。 Born in 1958, Terry Fox developed bone cancer at the age of 18 and had his right leg amputated。He dreams of a world free of cancer and runs across Canada to call on the public to support anti-cancer research。 1981年,Terry Fox不幸去世。他的義舉被稱為“希望馬拉松”,成為加拿大人傳承了40多年的傳統。 On the afternoon of September 8, CIC students and teachers continued the tradition and participated in the Terry Fox Charity Run to promote cancer awareness and contribute to the world's elimination of cancer。 Teachers and students donated generously to buy Terry Fox Run T-shirts, with all proceeds going to the Cancer Fund。 Delivering Love and Hope This year's Terry Fox Run started at CIC's main campus,Pass through Westdale Village near McMaster University,Arrive at the scenic Cootes Paradise on Lake Ontario,然後沿森林步道返回,總長約6公里。 Together, we have raised awareness of cancer and contributed to the global fight against cancer。 Leadership Team Plays an important role in Terry Fox's run, members of the newly elected CIC Fall Semester Student Leadership Team took on important responsibilities as volunteers。 "Yellow T-shirt" held up a sign to remind everyone to participate in the BBQ dinner held by the school after the Yi Run to boost morale;"Red T-shirts" supervise and guide the way at intersections and parking places, remind students to obey traffic rules, and cheer them up。Volunteers set up drinking stations on the way to cool teachers and students in hot weather。 As a tradition of CIC for many years, after Terry Fox's event, the campus prepared outdoor games and BBQ dinner。Hundreds of students make the football field into a sea of joy, lively!
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Yale, Princeton, Dartmouth - CIC students receive admission to three Ivy League universities

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Columbia International College (CIC) just held an awards ceremony to bring good news - Year 12 student Oluwaseyi Lawal has been accepted to three Ivy League universities in the United States to major in economics!Offers from all three Ivy League schools,創造了CIC建校近45年來的爬藤紀錄,為即將到來的2023年五月畢業典禮帶來更加耀眼的光環! 耶魯大學(經濟學) 普林斯頓大學(經濟學) 達特茅斯學院(經濟學) 除了以上三所藤校,Oluwaseyi has also been admitted to the following prestigious universities in the United States and Canada: Schulich School of Business (Business Administration), Western University (Management and Organizational Studies), McMaster University (Business), Texas A&M大學(商業) 獎學金總額:$8,500 什麽激勵你立下非同尋常的目標? In fact, I didn't have a clear direction or goal until ninth grade。When I begin to realize how quickly time flies, I channel my energy into more constructive things。 One of the main goals I'm trying to achieve is to get into an Ivy League school with a global reputation。我很想進入藤校,因為它們是世界上最好的,我想進最好的! 在整個過程中,父親一直是激勵我的源泉,為我提供靈感和支持。From the first time I expressed interest in the Ivy League, he encouraged and helped me every step of the way。 My brother also constantly inspires me to work harder for my goals。他有身體殘疾,處於社會弱勢地位。I want to work to remove barriers and provide my brother with the care he deserves and support him financially for the long term。這不僅是為了他,也是為了全世界的殘疾人。 你成功爬藤的秘訣是什麽? 我覺得沒有一種方法能夠適用於所有人。一切都取決於你想要什麽,你想要實現怎樣的目標,並不懈地追求。 I have always pursued what I love to do to the best of my ability, and I have learned and grown in all aspects of my life, driven by desire and curiosity。 I take full advantage of resources and opportunities, explore various interests, focus on future goals, and strive to move forward。歸根結底,這與是否進藤校無關。上名牌大學並不能保證你成功。It all depends on how effectively you use the resources in front of you, and how much you can get out of those resources。 你為藤校申請做了哪些準備? Even before I entered CIC, I started preparing for the application。我幾年前就開始研究大學申請流程。I love writing and showing myself and my values, so the college application process appeals to me。 My plan after coming to CIC is to submit the course scores as soon as possible and start the university application。But my teacher from the International Department suggested that I make an appointment with Miss Cathy from the Student Engagement Department to help me review and revise my personal statement。 Cathy's tutoring help took my college application to the next level。She gave me great advice on improving my essay and extracurricular activities list。We went back and forth many times until we were confident that the application perfectly represented me and my experience。 I recommend that you start your college application and additional materials as early as possible and submit them before the deadline。這個過程需要大量功夫和反復修改。截止日期之前才動手,會讓你措手不及。 你是否已經決定去哪所大學? 我還沒有正式決定。但我傾向於耶魯大學,因為它的環境非常不錯,院系實力超群,而且距離紐約市相對較近。 However, I intend to expand my business opportunities in Canada in the future, and my long-term career goal is to be in Canada, so I am considering whether to do my undergraduate study in Canada first and then pursue my MBA in the United States in a few years。

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Big congratulations to the Columbia International College (CIC) Robotics team (9062) for winning the FIRST Robotics Ontario Finals,奪得安大略新秀全明星隊(Rookie All Star)頭銜! 他們因此晉級4月19日至22日在美國休斯敦舉行的FIRST世界錦標賽,向全球最大規模的頂級青少年機器人賽事沖刺! 過去一個月中,CIC機器人團隊連過三關,He won the FIRST Waterloo University Regionals, the McMaster University Regionals, and the Ontario Provincial Championships,It perfectly reflects the hard work and dedication of the whole team。 CIC Robotics Team coaches Thomas and Leanne have invested countless hours and energy in coaching and building the team。Their great passion for talent development has played a crucial role in the success of the team。我們向他們表示衷心感謝! 9062隊的同學們為2023賽季的比賽投入了大量努力,他們對機器人競賽的執著得到了回報。 我們還要感謝所有在過去三個周末為CIC團隊加油助威的教職員工們。Your support and encouragement is invaluable to the robotics team。 Let's wish the CIC robot team a smooth preparation for the FIRST World Championships and better results!
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