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Chartwells餐饮服务 细节之处尽显贴心

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CIC以学生的安全与健康为重中之重,细节之一就是营养体贴的餐饮服务。食物不仅提供营养,还能够促进学生的社交及情感健康。 Chartwells Group is a famous Canadian catering organization that provides food for CIC teachers and students. In addition to serving world cuisine every day, Chartwells also regularly offers festive dishes on weekends and holidays to help students keep healthy and happy。这在疫情期间尤其重要。 优质餐饮服务提升身心健康 为了满足学生需要,CIC所有宿舍餐厅全年365天开放,新鲜烹饪、营养美味的膳食,每周26餐,平日及夜宵还提供多种点心饮料;Chartwells采用健康的烹饪方式,以炒、烘、烤、蒸为主,食物不含反式脂肪或味精;除此之外,还为身体不适及特殊饮食需求的学生提供特别饮食。 科学研究表明,营养美味的食物能够提升幸福感,减少孤独感。 在因疫情而隔离的时候,这一点尤其重要。 Thierry, originally from Nigeria, arrived in Canada in September 2020 to begin physical studies at CIC。 与所有搬进宿舍的新生一样,Thierry必须接受14天的隔离。 “我感受到了关怀,并且知道:我能够随时获得帮助。 (隔离期间)我忙于上远程课,在门口的桌子上就能够取餐,很快就适应了。 ” 在宿舍隔离期间,恰逢Thierry的生日。母亲特地让Chartwells餐饮集团为他制作了特别早餐和巧克力点心,还附上生日卡片。At the end of the 14-day quarantine, the mother asked Chartwells Catering Group to make a beautiful cake for her son to share with his friends。 To view the daily menu, and to order a cake or celebration set, visit the Chartwells' CIC Catering website: 欢迎在Instagram上关注@diningatcic
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爱丁堡公爵奖励计划 – 深秋远足露营之旅

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Over the Easter long weekend, dozens of Columbia International College students participating in the Duke of Edinburgh's Bronze program completed a two-day, one-night hiking camping trip。Carrying camping gear, food and clothing, they trekked 11km from their dormitories along the picturesque Bruce Trail to our Northcliffe campus and set up camp。他们点燃篝火,烹制美食,在星空下围坐聊天,户外野营,渡过了一个令人心旷神怡的小假期。 布鲁斯小径位于联合国世界生物圈保护区 — 尼亚加拉断层,总长885公里。The Bruce Trail during the event was a colorful, autumn-filled stretch of scenery punctuated by roaring waterfalls and murmuring streams。 引燃树枝,开始野炊了!大家纷纷拿出了前一天在学校学到的厨艺,烹制了一道可口的肉肠通心粉。 大部分学生是第一次在帐篷中过夜,在星空与虫鸣的陪伴下进入梦乡。 第二天一早,吃过早餐,大家又出发了!穿越峡谷,观赏瀑布,经过一天远足后,返回宿舍。 Chef teaches cooking skills This outdoor experience allows everyone to learn a lot of outdoor skills, close contact with nature, and cultivate the spirit of perseverance and dare to take responsibility。 Chartwells Executive Chef Steven Khor has organized two culinary training sessions for students attending the camp, showing how to cut vegetables, make pasta and cook delicious dishes that are easy to use。 In order to reduce contact with the ingredients and avoid contamination, the ingredients used in the camp are pre-made semi-finished by the Chartwells Catering Group and packed in plastic bags。学生只需把食材倒入锅中加热即可。做饭的学生必须佩戴口罩和乳胶手套。 全程陪伴,安全保障 学生安全与健康是我们的重中之重。The excursion was guided and accompanied by a team of mentors from CIC's Student Leadership and Development Office。他们均接受过急救培训,具有丰富的户外经验。 They had the Bruce Trail software installed on their phones and were able to pinpoint their exact location using GPS;They also carry maps and compasses in case their phones run out of battery。 This activity is divided into two groups for boys and girls, the location is also changed from the previous year's Park Lake Outdoor Leadership Training Center (Bark Lake) to the campus, the time is also reduced from 6 days and 5 nights to 2 days and 1 night。 The instructor said they walked in single file on the trail, keeping a certain distance from each other and wearing masks at all times;In addition, every two students share a four-person tent;These measures protect the safety and health of students to the greatest extent possible。 这次徒步经过的布鲁斯小径靠近大路,急救人员能够快速进入。 露营期间,CIC的校园安保人员在Northcliffe校区巡逻。 学生必须每天必须向未参加徒步露营的CIC员工汇报三次,确认自己平安无恙。 我们恭喜每位完成爱丁堡公爵奖励计划远足之旅的学生,你们在身心成长的道路上又前进了一步! 欲了解更多学生领导力培养的活动,Please contact the Student Leadership and Development Office at S244。
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最近,加拿大政府为留学生敞开大门,放松了入境限制。As long as the school is qualified to recruit international students and has implemented a government-approved epidemic prevention and control plan, students with a student visa can enter the country。那么,如果你正准备进入加拿大学习,入境和隔离是一种什么样的体验呢?CIC的10年级学生刚由中国湖南返回加拿大,现正在宿舍进行2周隔离。他非常乐意分享自己的感受。 When Scorpio decided to return to school, he contacted Irene at CIC's International Liaison Department and went through the list of documents required for entry。 由于疫情期间的旅行限制,持有有效学习许可的国际学生在进入加拿大之前需要提供额外的信息。 In addition to a valid passport, re-entry visa, and study permit, a reason for travel, isolation plans, and proof of distance learning arrangements are required。 CIC provides a letter for each student preparing to travel to Canada that contains all student information required by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) to present to staff upon entry。 Irene老师提醒Scorpio将其打印出来,并与护照及学习许可证放在一起。 由于注意保持社交距离,Scorpio在旅途中感觉很安全。抵达加拿大入境口岸时,他把所有文件交给了边境服务官员,并询问了托运行李的问题。然后,就顺利进入了加拿大。 从远程课堂向实体课堂顺利过渡 Scorpio出了机场就直接返回了CI宿舍接受隔离。 隔离期间,CIC宿舍工作人员会把每餐饭菜送到他的房间门口,还每天为他检查体温。由于身在加拿大,远程课堂没有时差,他学习更加轻松,生活更加舒适。 Scorpio非常期待隔离结束,参加了实体课,特别是能和小伙伴们一起上体育课!
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There are two types of border restrictions currently in place in Canada: Canada-US Border for non-essential travel, Border closures will be extended until October 21, 2020 International Border Since March, Canada's borders have been closed to all non-citizens and non-essential travellers, with a few exceptions。 根据加拿大政府公告,对国际旅行(非美国)的限制将持续到2020年10月31日。 从2020年10月20日开始,允许国际学生进入加拿大。 为了能够以国际学生身份进入加拿大,你必须满足以下要求: 1. 你必须出于必要目的(例如,实体课学习)而旅行。 2.你必须符合以下情况之一: o 持有有效学习许可或学习许可申请已经获批的国际学生。如果你的学习许可已在加拿大境内获得延期,则包括在内。 o 在入境口岸申请学习许可(仅限美国护照持有人) 3.Your school must have an approved COVID-19 response plan. Canada Border Services officers will ultimately determine whether your reason for entering Canada is involuntary or non-essential。目前,父母无法陪伴孩子前来加拿大。 入境后,学生必须向边境官员提供14天隔离计划。 CIC将向所有学生提供一封隔离计划的信件,向边境官员出示。你可以向CIC国际联络部(Liaison Office)索取这封信件。

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CIC will hold its first graduation ceremony for the Class of 2021 in December!In order to help each graduate get to the college of their dreams, CIC's College Application Guidance Department (UPO) has been holding seminars and inviting representatives of many universities to hold remote presentations since September。学生们更加深入地了解了大学专业设置及录取要求,与招生官实时互动,获得宝贵的一手资讯。 Ms Terra Arnett, Director of Academic and College Application Counselling, said targeted one-to-one counselling was at the heart of the work。 “没有什么能够取代一对一的辅导,我们可以了解学生的成绩、目标及个人偏好。College application counselors contact all graduates to arrange one-on-one interviews;Students can also make an appointment with a tutor;In most cases, these one-on-one counseling sessions are held several times until the student receives an offer from the university and finally confirms his or her preferred university and major。 无论是在校学习的学生,还是在家远程学习的学生,都可以获得一对一大学申请辅导。 CIC regularly holds university Application seminars on various topics, including application steps, scholarships, Supplementary applications, etc。 此外还有专门答疑的环节,学生可以提出任何与大学申请相关的问题。 以上所有直播都将转换成视频,学生在Moodle登录后可以随时观看。 Due to the impact of the epidemic, our university has arranged for Canadian and foreign university admissions representatives to hold online application briefings。 Usually each university will hold two orientation sessions for our students (2:00 and 8:00 pm EST) to meet the needs of students in different time zones。 学生可以通过Zoom软件参加说明会,一般无需预约。 说明会链接将通过电子邮件、eZreport在线报告及Moodle发送给学生。 充分利用Moodle资源 Moodle是CIC的学习平台。The online platform Moodle allows you to take advantage of all the resources available for college application guidance: all the online lectures and tutorials video College application guides College application requirements and deadlines College tuition fees etc

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CIC举行年度Terry Fox“希望马拉松” 支持癌症研究40年

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On October 8, from 1:00-5:00 p.m., CIC hosts the annual Terry Fox Walk, which attracts several hundred students and faculty。在教职员工及学生志愿者监督下,学生每8人为一组,分不同时段从宿舍出发,经过5.1公里步行或长跑,返回宿舍。In addition to honoring Terry Fox, a well-known Canadian cancer hero, each student will receive three hours of community service。 Spread hope, that's the spirit of CIC. Born in 1958, Terry Fox developed bone cancer at the age of 18 and had his right leg amputated。他梦想着一个没有癌症的世界,立志跑步横穿加拿大,呼吁民众积极支持抗癌研究。 1981年,Terry Fox不幸去世。他的旅程被称为“希望马拉松”,如今已经成为加拿大人传承了40年的传统。 从1981年开始,CIC就举办Terry Fox步行,同时慷慨筹款,支持抗癌研究。我校是全球支持Terry Fox癌症基金长达40年的6所学校之一。 Ms. Cathy Cheeranjie, Director of Student and Leadership Development (SLD) at CIC, said that in the face of the challenges of the epidemic this year, everyone should participate in the Marathon of Hope。 “传播希望,这就是CIC精神!” 学生志愿者积极参与 与往年一样,CIC学生会成员积极参与,帮助学校组织了这次活动。学生会的每个小组都担任起不同职责。来自尼日利亚的学生Tegas与队友一起,在途中为学生分发饮料和小吃。他们事先进行了调查,了解到运动功能饮料与奶茶是受欢迎,并为此作好准备。 志愿者们还将负责指路,并提醒大家遵守社交距离。 CIC's Terry Fox Walk this year takes place on the Niagara Fault trail near the residence hall, passing waterfalls, golf courses and observation decks in a colorful autumn landscape。 This route is less pedestrian than the Ontario Lakeside Walk, which has been used in previous events, and strict social distancing rules can better protect student safety。 分享你的自拍照! 我们欢迎世界各地学习远程课程的CIC学生参与Terry Fox步行! 穿上红色和白色的上衣,拍个Selfie,发至CIC Instagram(Columbia.International.College),与大家分享你的风采! 课外活促进升个人成长 我们鼓励学生积极参与课外活动,促进个人成长,并为校园社区带来正面影响。There are more than 100 clubs and extracurricular activities in different time periods and themes, as well as leadership training, student Union, Model United Nations, Duke of Edinburgh Award and many other themed programs, so everyone has the opportunity to explore their own interests。

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Hanna来自越南,2020年3月入读CIC。由于疫情影响,她一直通过CIC远程教学平台学习实时在线课程。Hanna非常乐观,喜欢微笑,让每个同学心中都充满阳光。 Hanna很高兴分享远程学习的亲身感受以及在提升团队合作、创造力及思辨能力方面的心得。 “虽然是远程学习,但是教学质量也保持不变。 我相信,目前的状况缩短了人与人之间的距离。 班上每个人都非常友好、热情,同学们愿意在学习中互相帮助。” 老师实时互动和课后支持 Hanna认为远程学习很有趣。 她表示,很难相信大家从未真正见过面,老师仍能为学生提供支持。 如果在功课上遇到任何困难,学生可以通过课后辅导获得帮助,还可以与其他同学进行讨论。 “我通过Moodle及Gmail 向老师提问,通过探讨,找到正确答案。” 课堂参与度高,教学效果令人满意 “感谢Inozemtsava老师以及同学的热心帮助,我的成绩大大提高了!” Hanna因此获得了CIC优秀品格奖。 “ Inozemtsava老师不仅传授了知识,她的教学方法也激发鼓励了我。 我提高了创造力以及思辨能力。 能够成为CIC的一员,我真的非常高兴!”

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为了让父母安心放心,我们致力于为学生与父母提供可靠、准确、及时的信息。 Below you can find updated numbers for the latest COVID-19 reported cases in Canada, Ontario (our home province), Toronto, Ottawa, Peel Region and Hamilton。 我们还对加拿大和美国的每日新病例进行了比较。 Figure 1 represents daily new cases and trends in Hamilton City An average of 11 new cases per day from September 25 to October 1, 2020 Source: Hamilton City Department of Public Health The figure below shows that new cases of COVID-19 in Canada are much lower than in the United States。  来源: 下图显示9月26日至30日的平均新增病例。 Toronto, Ottawa, Peel Region and City of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Source: Public Health Departments Toronto, Ottawa, Peel Hamilton The figure below shows the age distribution of confirmed cases in Ontario on September 30。 The age groups most affected are: 20 to 39 years old 40 to 59 years old Source: Ontario Health The figure below shows the age distribution of confirmed cases in Hamilton from Sept. 20 to 30。 受影响最大的年龄组是: 20至39岁 40至59岁 来源: 汉密尔顿市公共卫生部门

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Originally from China, Justin enrolled in Columbia International College (CIC) in 2018 and is now a Grade 12 student, expecting to graduate next May。On September 26, Justin, along with other students, took the first test since CIC's IELTS Test Center resumed operation。 The CIC IELTS Test Center reserves IELTS test slots for CIC students, separate from the external IELTS test, to avoid the risk of cross-transmission of viruses。 CIC IELTS Test Site Safety and Convenience The CIC IELTS Test Center is just a 2-minute walk from CIC Pine Student Accommodation and does not require any transportation. Students can easily walk there after breakfast to take the test。 Justin分享了他上周参加雅思考试的体验。他表示,从早晨的唤醒电话到特别安排的早餐,考生们处处体会到CIC全面照顾的体贴与支持。 CIC IELTS Test Center has taken all precautions to protect the safety of candidates, including washing hands with disinfectant, checking temperature, and maintaining a distance of 2 meters。此外,学生和考官之间安装了有机玻璃隔板。疫情期间,学生需自带铅笔和橡皮,考试中心不再提供。 Justin对自己的考试体验感到满意,尤其是学校视考生安全与健康为重中之重。 为什么应该尽早参加雅思考试? Terra Arnett, director of the Guidance and University Placement Office, advises students to take the IELTS test as early as possible。 “拖到最后一分钟,会给你带来更多压力”。 要想9月份进入大学,申请人提交雅思成绩的截止日期通常在2月1日或3月1日。 “越早参加考试就会越放松,成绩不满意还有机会重考。最好是在12月之前完成考试。” CIC雅思考试的更多信息 2020年10月CIC雅思培训时间表

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【推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜】喜爱大自然成为原动力 叩开UCL、KCL、爱丁堡等一流名校大门

By 优秀学生, 学校通知 No Comments

CAI Zhuoran, from Shenzhen, has been curious about nature since she was a child. She entered Columbia International College in August 2019 and will graduate in May this year. She has been admitted by six world-class universities in the United Kingdom and Canada to major in biology and medicine,令人瞩目! 与生俱来的兴趣爱好,更能激发求知探索的原动力!蔡卓苒就是一个典型例子。She likes to keep pets since childhood, such as turtles, parrots, but also likes to catch butterflies, mantises and various insects, and then consult the encyclopedia to see what kind of species, what characteristics。 She also had an advantage that many people did not: her father, a surgeon, had a wealth of medical and biological knowledge and was often the subject of her advice。 让兴趣进一步演变为未来专业方向,还需要“催化剂”的提升,拓展知识的广度与深度。After entering Shenzhen Foreign Language School, she became the chairman of the Biological Experiment Association, and the connection with nature was even closer.In 2018, the school formed a team to participate in the International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition (IGEM), and CAI Zhuoran was selected as the team leader, digging the "first bucket of gold" on the road to biomedicine.。 什么是IGEM? IGEM is an acronym for the International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition。This world-class synthetic biology competition was initiated by MIT in 2004 with the aim of cultivating talents in synthetic biology and promoting the study, exchange and cooperation of university students in various countries in the field。Each year, the organizer of the competition provides each team with a DNA standard sample library, and each team chooses its own topic, and through design and model analysis, the required samples are imported into the existing biological system to synthesize a new bioengineering system (that is, "genetic engineering machine").。 官网:www.igem.The theme of this IGEM competition is "Early diagnosis of breast cancer", which is quite difficult for a group of high school students who have only studied biology for a few years。蔡卓苒领导的团队共有12名成员。她不仅要查找大量医学论文与杂志,还负责协调队友之间的合作。 除此之外,蔡卓苒团队还面临一个棘手难题:寻找一家愿意提供实验室的赞助人。Fortunately, with the help of the instructor, they finally obtained the support of a high-tech company in Shenzhen and were able to enter its laboratory for research。 Although he did not win the prize in the end, CAI said it was an important milestone in his academic life: "We experienced the pain of boredom and failure, saw our own shortcomings, and the most important thing is to understand the way of scientific research.。After studying at Columbia International College for nearly a year, CAI Zhuoran felt that compared with the domestic biology class, the scope of learning in Canada's biology class is more extensive。 “有很多需要记忆的内容,还有大量的实验,我们还去贵湖大学及动物园参观。” 怎样才能在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜国际学院获得更加丰富的学习与生活体验?蔡卓苒把自己的经验与大家分享: •    来CIC以后,要积极了解有学习资源,例如课后辅导 •    努力提高语言能力,Get used to the new environment as soon as possible • Join the SD Interest Club • Improve your self-management skills Why are most applicants to UK universities?蔡卓苒表示,自己是个英式摇滚乐迷,最喜欢“齐柏林飞艇”与“皇后”乐队。所以,英国是她首选的高校目的地。 As for the practical experience of successfully gaining admission to world-class universities, CAI Zhuoran believes that in addition to the 94% score in grade 12, the experience of biology competition and Personal Statement are also important。 蔡卓苒毫无保留地把自己申请英国大学时所递交的个人陈述与大家分享: Personal Statement By Cai Zhuoran I have been fond of observing all kinds of creatures in nature since I was a child, from small mantises and butterflies to big…

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